Wednesday, August 22, 2007

How could this happen?

I used to laugh at people whose cell phones ended up in water. How could that happen? Much to my chagrine, now I know the answer. I compulsively carry my phone. It's on my desk at work, in my pocket most other times, and it's on my night stand at night. It was the pocket thing that got to me. Yep, you guessed it, the toilet. I reached in and grabbed it, rinsed it off, and quickly took it apart. I dried and dried with a towel, and then the trouble began. Instead of going directly to the Internet for help from my fellow cell phone damagers, I compulsively tried to reinsert the battery and make it work, hoping against hope that it would come to life in my hand. There were flutters of life in those big blue eyes, little flashes of joy, and then nothing. For a few moments the phone rang and rang, sending out its own death knell.

After reading all sorts of advice, deionized water to alcohol, drying in the dryer, cool air over night, I finally took my phone apart and placed it on an AC vent. This morning, my hands trembling with anticipation, I put it back together and got nothing. I'm having a little trouble coping, but I'll get by.


erin said...

"...its own death knell."
Very funny.
I'm very sorry for your loss.
Lauren loses a cell phone in a toilet about once a year.
Richard washes them in his pants pockets.
You guys should start a support group.

Kristin said...

It was amazing how much dialogue there was in cyber space about wet phones. Someone commented that if they can make a $15 Timex watch waterproof they should be able to make a phone waterproof. "They" just don't want to.

erin said...

This "Someone" has a very good point.
At least you still have internet!

kristi noser said...

I'll join the washing machine/phone group--except that once dried, the phone worked like a charm for another year.

Kristin said...

The phone came to life in my hand for a few brief moments last night, then nothing. What a huge disappointment.

Anonymous said...

Well...I am taking up a colletion to get you a new phone! Your co-workers have noticed a spike in your verbal output, as well as an audible heavy sigh every time someone's phone rings, even in the distance. I believe you are suffering from a fate worse than death and it pains me to be a witness to this horrid event in your life. I am calling in the grief counselor to meet with you first thing in the morning. Hang in is on the way. O, BTW, if you DON'T make it thru this...what are your favorite flowers? Have you updated your will?

Kristin said...

The phone is all good!!! No flowers required.

erin said...

It's a miracle!
Do we get to read the story of the phone coming back to life??