Friday, July 6, 2007

Independence Day

Our city was nuts with fireworks this year. For two solid nights you could barely breath for the sulphur in the air. What's funny is that anything that lifts off the ground or reports is illegal in Lincoln.

Here's my gripe, ready? We are not celebrating the 4th of July. We are celebrating our independence from oppression. Try to remember to offer a hearty, "Happy Independence Day!"


kristi noser said...

I once asked someone if the have the 4th of July in England. They said no. Hmmm.

erin said...

They just skip from the 3rd to the 5th.

Anonymous said...
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erin said...

Who's Rodrigo?

KT~MolarArtist said...

I find it interesting that I can't smoke in the bars, have to wear a motorcycle helmet, and can only gamble in certain places... but for two days (usually more) in July I can buy explosives, blow the crap out of stuff all day (and night), and not get busted!!! Does/did the LPD issues citations to anybody in the city for illegal fireworks? Personally, I wish they'd ban the damn things to the general public. Leave 'em in the hands of the professionals. My opinion...

kristi noser said...

Rodrigo is spam. This is what you get when you don't have the word verification turned on. You probably don't know it, but he's talking about Viagra...ok maybe not.

Kristin said...

kt - we appreciate your opinion.

kristi - not everything you don't understand involves sex. Really! It's true. The man sells t-shirts. Now, if I only understood how to turn on that word verification thingy. maybe I'll ask Erin... or maybe not.

Kristin said...

Wow, that was a snarky response. I must be in an extra special mood.

kristi noser said...

Yeah, cuz I was kidding about the Viagra thing. Really.
It's ok that you reacted that way, you don't know me and my penchant for always making a joke. Be it known, that I will (mostly) always make a joke. There, now you know.
Oh, and snarky, now there's a word I can love.