Monday, March 3, 2008

Stealth Readers

First things first. We are driving a 2008 Toyota Camry. When I drove it off the lot it had 4 miles on it. The sunroof got thrown in because it was on the lot in the color I wanted. Matches my winter coat, which was critical! Jeff is happy, I'm happy. Life is good.

It's come to my attention that some of you (Michelle) are reading my blog and not leaving any trail behind. You're stealth readers. While I'm flattered that my life is so interesting, blogging is meant to be a interactive activity. So, interact already! Kristen got her commenting issues worked out, good job Kristen.


Anonymous said...

Thanks to your help I am now commenting. Didn't realize I could be anonymous and still write something. Four miles on a car how cool is that? Who got to drive it off the lot? Too much fun. Kristen

Kristin said...

congrats on the car!

do you have a purse to match too???
(equally important.)

Anonymous said...

Okay, after teaching middle school for 21 years I have been called many things.... but I have never been called "stealth"!! Is that the same as being a Peeping Tom? Big Brother?? Homeland Security???

I have just enjoyed checking in on your life from time to time.


kristi said...

Hi, I just found your blog...congrats on the new car!