Wednesday, November 7, 2007

OCD Snacking

My daughter has this problem. Maybe one of you can help. She can't randomly eat colored snacks. M&M's, (why is there an apostrophe in the name?), Skittles, Reeses Pieces, anything that comes in random colors causes her problems. As I understand it she has to eat them in pairs. Whatever is left gets handed off to someone else, she can't finish them. I understand her problem but have never felt compelled to give away snacks of any kind for lack of balance. If I have snacks I eat the largest color group first. Sort of a reverse survival-of-the-fittest mentality. Mostly I eat them right out of the bag so I don't see the colors at all. This habit was developed when they introduced blue M&M's. Food should not be blue.

Thank you for all your kind wishes during my recent bout of blogstipation. Hold your hats, I think the tide has turned. Now I have a million ideas and not time to get them posted. Do blog ideas have a shelf life? Can I blog about Halloween after Thanksgiving?


KT~MolarArtist said...

The apostrophe's primary responsibilities are showing possessive (Joe's blog) and contractions or omitted letters (I've, Spirit of '76). It's also employed to show plurals of single letters: P's and Q's, M&M's.

As far as paired-and-colored snack foods go, you could send her singles blue M's to me.

erin said...

Yes, you can blog about anything at any time.
It's your blog.
Miss you!
p.s. Richard vetoed Stella immediately. Said it made him think of an old lady smoking a cigarette. I said no, that's 'Shirley.'
He didn't laugh.